Sunday, January 10, 2021

Is non monogamy the same as polyamory? | Thrive Relational Therapy

Is non monogamy the like polyamory?

Non-monogamy can be any type of kind of sex-related relationship beyond one more relationship you may be in. Love does not have to be entailed, it can be simply physical. Polyamory indicates many enjoys, essentially. It can be a sexual partnership or a non-sexual yet mentally charming one, and also it still counts as polyamory.

Thrive Relational Therapy - Marriage Counseling of Vancouver
400 East Evergreen Blvd, Suite 205
Vancouver, WA 98660
(360) 450-2327

#Marriage Counselor #Counselor #Sexologist #Family Counselor #Occupational Therapist #Family Planning Counselor, LGBTQ, Gay, Sex therapy,
Infidelity counseling, Couples counseling, Navigating poly and non traditional relationships, LGBTQ+, Veterans, Anxiety, Life Transitions

#Marriage Counselor #Counselor #Sexologist #Family Counselor #Occupational Specialist #Family Preparation Therapist

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